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Slow Times Ahead…


RGB-123 Team, I have completed a recent relocation and am in the midst of a big remodel. This remodel is taking all my time and since we have entered the quiet period of the winter months I will not have any new production available until the Spring. Please plan your projects accordingly. You can reach […]

Featured Artist: Erick Dunn


As always we have had the opportunity to interact with so many creative light artists. Erick Dunn was able to successfully implement our BBB based controllers in his Burning Man 2014 installation BioTron. Please take the opportunity to see the stunning visualizations that Erick has brought to life with this installation. You can find more […]

Featured Artist – Alexander Green


Recently we have been working extremely closely with the Alexander Green of at Symmetry Labs who are producing The SugarCubes project. “Sugar Cubes is a new visual technology that combines 3D modeling and mapping with addressable LEDs to bring to life a huge cubic structure onstage behind live DJs and musicians. It allows for endlessly […]

Featured Artist – Mads Christensen


Recently, we have been working closely with Mads Christensen of Blues and Gray who has used our led matrices and control hardware successfully in several of his recent projects. On a recent visit to Los Angeles I got to visit Mads’ studio and see some of his pieces first hand. Woven II I really like […]

Featured Artist – Yona Appletree


Well, its been nearly a year since our Kickstarter was orginally funded @ 17x of our original funding goal. Since then, we have made huge leaps and strides in our ability to control the WS2812 leds. Our biggest advance has been through the partnership and coordination with Yona Appletree. Yona is an amazing light artist […]